Reporting From the Middle: Balancing Material Pursuits and Personal Growth

Welcome to the Glider CEO podcast. I'm your host, Mark Michael, broadcasting to you live on a perfectly great Seattle day, February 13th. This is episode 211, and it's titled "Reporting from the Middle."

The Perception of Money:

The idea of "reporting from the middle" stems from the perception of money. We often gauge our wealth by looking at our material possessions - our cars, houses, schools, and even the clothes we wear. However, true richness goes beyond material possessions. It's about relationships and friendships. The mental space that accepting the middle provides is freedom. Money is a currency, and there's no escaping capitalism. But when we think about the moments we were the happiest, it often had nothing to do with money. It was about being with the people we wanted to be with.

The Middle Perspective:

When I talk about the "middle," I'm not referring to the middle class. It's about being stuck in this phase of life where there's a constant desire for things. Advising people not to pursue those desires or to "live their truth" doesn't help. It's cliché. The middle is about perspective. It's about understanding why we want certain things, like a particular brand of water or the latest iPhone. It's about the choices we make and the reasons behind them.

The World Post-2020:
The world changed for everyone around March 2020. That period left many of us with a form of shell shock. I remember my mindset coming into 2020, the business goals we had, and how quickly everything changed. It took me three months to truly grasp the magnitude of the situation. The pandemic made me reevaluate many things, including where I wanted to be. Seattle was shut down, so I considered various places in California and Oregon. Ultimately, I chose Arizona for space, access, and opportunity. It's the fourth or fifth largest media market in the U.S., presenting numerous possibilities.


Life's journey is filled with challenges and opportunities. The middle phase, where material pursuits often clash with personal growth, is a unique experience. By understanding our desires and the reasons behind them, we can navigate this phase with purpose and meaning.

Inspired by the video "Reporting From the Middle: Balancing Material Pursuits and Personal Growth" by Mark Michael. Watch the full video here.